Dr. Aish Ravi
Project title
Bayside Futsal Women: A free social futsal competition for women.
Bayside Futsal Women is not just a sports competition; it’s a vibrant community of women embracing the joy of football. Founded in 2019 by Aish Ravi, a passionate football enthusiast, this initiative thrives on promoting health, activity, and social connections among women.
Our free social competition, hosted at Goals Football Centre in Brighton on select nights, is more than just a game. It’s an opportunity to kick, run, play, laugh, and bond with like-minded women. Aish Ravi, the founder, invites women of all abilities to join this flexible and inclusive community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to football, everyone is welcome.
Bayside Futsal Women operates on the mantra of ‘Kick | Run | Play | Laugh | Eat | Bond.’ It’s not just about the game; it’s about building friendships, staying active, and having a great time. Register now and follow us on Instagram for updates. We look forward to welcoming you to the Bayside Futsal Women community, where football is more than a sport; it’s a celebration of health, camaraderie, and joy. See you on the field!


WCA information
Website: baysidefutsalwomen.com/